Adroit Air

Adroit Air Install App

Adroit Air Version 2.0

Google Play

Apple Store

Adroit Air Documents


Quick Start Guide

Always be in contact with your plant via push notifications

Send selected alarms and process data to specified users on their mobile devices

Adroit Air is an alarm notification and text message platform that enables users to receive alarms and process data directly on their smart device from your Adroit 10 SCADA platform. One free connection comes standard with every Adroit 10 SCADA.

The primary purpose of the Adroit Air app is to receive alarms from your Adroit 10 SCADA. Each user is mapped to a single AlarmList or AlarmAgent, to ensure they only receive alarms relevant to them. The app user will see a list of up to 20 of the highest-priority active alarms. Alarm priorities can be used to filter out less important alarms.

The operator can send users custom text messages. App users will be able to view a history of the last 20 messages delivered to them.

Up to 24 process data, messages can be configured. These can contain data from up to 20 different tags each. Process data messages are trigger-driven (minimum 1-minute interval) and can be sent to any number of Air App users.

Data is pushed from the Adroit SCADA via the Air data source. The app listens to push notifications. If the app is closed or running in the background, a notification and summary will be shown in the notifications area of your device. The user can view the incoming data by opening the app or simply clicking on the notification. If the app is focused when a notification arrives, the updated data will be automatic.

As an Air App user, you can receive updates from multiple Adroit 10 projects. You also have the option to mute updates from any project at your discretion.

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